President's Update, November 2017

Post date: Jan 15, 2018 10:05:15 PM

Dear Alumni,

Having moved back to Cabool 3 ½ years ago after being away since graduation, I have enjoyed working with the alumni, reconnecting with so many special people and memories of school years here. Visiting with many people of my past, walking down the school halls, going to ballgames and performances. Our childhood was the Norman Rockwell life, wasn't it? Cabool still has so much to offer! People are still very friendly and outgoing, maintaining traditions. Schools are providing quality education with many homegrown, invested teachers. The pace is slow. I've come home. I had not planned to stay but I couldn't imagine living anywhere I could love more. We should all be so proud of our rearing in this small town.

The alumni has been involved in several activities since last we met at the 2015 All School Reunion such as the yearly CHS senior breakfast and Awards Assembly where the alumni scholarships were presented. We had a booth at Farm Fest and old Tyme Days.

When the old gym had water damage recently and insurance was paying for repairs and replacement of the floor, the Alumni was asked to help with additional repairs to the building and a special design on the floor. The gym is used daily for P.E. and some ballgames. It was renamed Alumni Gym and is a gem. It is a must-see.

A tax levy was brought before voters last spring to make many needed repairs to the school. It was extensive and more than tax payers were willing to pay. So the need for repairs remains. Many of the problems with the facilities are dealing with original windows, electric and plumbing parts. It is disheartening to see our schools in such need. We are focused on raising money to go toward the repair we see as priority which is to make all elementary bathrooms functional, handicap accessible, etc. Not a glamorous goal, but very necessary.

The upcoming All School Reunion is in full planning mode. We have been trying to think of ways to get the younger alumni interested. One idea we are tossing around is a beer garden. It would be confined to one area with a beer vendor, food vendor and live band. Those not interested would be farther from the band so that it is back ground music. We are also planning a golf tournament, probably for Friday afternoon. Still many details to work on.

Our plans thus far:

Friday evening, June 29

Mixer at the gazebo and Main street.

The classes of 1986, 1987, 1988 will be in charge of this event.

Saturday, June 30

Registration- Classes of 1996, 1997, 1998 in charge

Light breakfast- Classes of 1981, 1982, 1983

Program- Classes of 1976, 1977, 1978

Parade- Classes of 1971, 1972, 1973

Lunch/Musical Comedy- Steve Faler and Springfield area alumni

We are so fortunate to have a fine arts foundation in little Cabool. The name is STARS Foundation- look it up. They are very impressive. STARS stands for Studying, Teaching and Returning Service. Students perform many productions in the area and provide many free services. They have offered to have a musical comedy at noon Saturday along with our lunch and donate all the profits to the Alumni. This is a very generous offer and could add thousands of dollars to the elementary bathroom project. The tickets are $25.00 each for lunch and show in the Community Safe Room (cafeteria of high school). I am hoping this will be a sold out performance. I'm certain all who attend will be amazed at this high quality entertainment.

Another fund raiser suggestion was to ask for donations of broken or unusable musical instruments that would be sent to MSU art students who would paint and transform them into unique works of art. It doesn't matter what shape they are in. These would be auctioned off Saturday of the All School Reunion. Instruments can be sent to Patty Parker at 101 Oak Forest, Cabool MO 65689. Please send them by Feb. 1 and write a little bio of the owner and how the instrument was used. It can be anonymous but would be more interesting with a name.

All these big projects can be broken down into smaller tasks. My hope is that lots of alumni would be involved and help accomplish some good things for the school and future alumni by taking on a small task. I have found a lot of satisfaction in teaming up with other alumni and working toward a rewarding goal. I would wish that for all of you, too.

There will be more information to come. Keep checking or Cabool Alumni on facebook. Save the dates- June 29 - 1 July 2017.

Sari Stark Wright, 

CHS Alumni Assn President