1987 - 20 Year Reunion - 2007

Post date: Mar 26, 2018 3:45:22 PM

CHS Class of ‘87 Gathers June 30, 2007It’s taken 20 years but this was the first class reunion that was “comfortable.” We’re past the “who has what” and “how much we weigh.” What really matters is that we have spent so much time with one another and made so many memories together that we simply can’t  let those good times go. We were thrilled to get together, revisit those days and know just how blessed we are to be able to make more!We gathered at the City Pool Park and enjoyed a partially catered barbeque meal for 75 people. Our kids are now (for the most part) old enough to swim by themselves. The kids had way more fun than they thought they would. They couldn’t imaging hanging out with so many old people… like us. But they did and they liked it!That evening it rained about four inches! There were storm warnings all around us but we didn’t care. About 60 of us gathered at the Matherly farm for appetizers, drinks and a night of reliving old times. At one point, my husband said, “This is the loudest group of people we’ve ever had here!” It was true. We couldn’t talk fast enough! We knew our time was limited and we wanted to make the most of it. We had so much fun that we’ve decided to meet every three years. 

Those attending include:

Jeanine (Ellsworth) Brill

Shelly (Rader) Collins

Tom Collins

Kim Elliott

Jeff Engleman

Shawn Garritson

Marlene (Krambeck) Gray

Melodie (Gerkey) Hale

Carrie (Roberts) Henry

Matt Howell

Marcie (Ford) Ketonou

Teresa (Grose) Krambeck

Shelly (Combs) Kruse

Vicki Lucky

Tammy (Gayer) MacDonald

Libbey Malberg

Stacy (Skeen) Matherly

Sarah (Walls) Montgomery

Elaine (Dodd) Morris

Tami (Parker) Lyons

Ron Peabody

Brian Reese

Cheryl (Mayuga) Ridgeway

Molly (Rutz) Rothert

Tina (Andrus) Rust

Lisa (Hunter) Smith

Tom Smith

Rhonda (Shelley) Stephens

Earl Stuart

Juliet (Ellsworth) Swisher