Alumni Park

The Cabool Alumni Association is taking orders for bricks that will be placed at the Alumni Park by the new gymnasium. This is a great way to honor or recognize a Cabool High School Alumni and your order supports the Memorial Park. To get the application to purchase a memorial brick please download the form at the bottom of the page. Options and instructions are included on the form. Thanks for your support.

If you are in town go by the Alumni Park. People have invested much work and money in this project. Below are pictures taken on May 4, 2007.


President - Jerry Hood

Treasurer - June Taff

Board Members -

Vanetta Sponsler, Joe B. Whetstine, Vivian Alsup, Frank Stringer, Everett Beller

Past members: Harry Witt, Donna Witt

Shelters, tables and benches have been erected through the combined effort of alumni, donations of money, time and labor.  The Alumni Memorial Park is a 501-3c non-profit organization and therefore donations to the park are tax deductible. 

Bricks can be ordered for the walkway, Contact June Taff, 962-3686. June recently said, "To give everyone a chance that has been planning to order that Alumni brick – the time is now! We have been slowly collecting enough orders for bricks to be able to order. But we want to give everyone a chance that has been intending to order one for themselves, a family member or in memory of a classmate.  Call June Taff or Missy Dotson to obtain an order form or download it from the website, and mail it in or drop it by the bank to Missy. We know some have ordered one and are wondering when it will be laid. Please be patient, we just wanted a larger order - the labor to lay a few is as much as it to lay more.

If you have not checked the Alumni Park out – you should do that, check out the brick walkways, shelters/tables, and flower beds . You can mail an order to June Taff, 14083 Orchard Road, Cabool, MO 65689 or call 962-3686 or drop to Missy at Missy Faye's. Please have your order in as soon as possible."