-Welcome to Cabool High School Alumni Association-
Welcome to the Cabool High School Alumni Association! You may begin by using the navigation map located at the top of the page. Additionally, you may use the search bar in the top right-hand corner of the screen to search for anything alumni related such as names, events, letters, etc.
-Next Alumni Meeting-
Thursday, November 14, 5PM at the Cabool History Society building on Main street. Agenda items include: reorganization, website class rosters, Alumni support for the new YMCA project. Please attend and spread the word.
-CHS Alumni Dues-
Annual Alumni Assn dues continue to be $10/year and go from May 1st until May 1st of the following year. Dues may be paid at any Alumni event, by handing to an Alumni officer, or by mailing to CHS Alumni Association, PO Box 955, Cabool, MO 65689.
-Recent Facebook Posts-
-New YMCA Project-
Local Organization Seeks to Build New Community Center
Visit: https://www.caboolcommunitycenterymca.org/ for more information and a link to donate OR
Donate by Mail:
Community Foundation of the Ozarks | P.O. Box 8960, Springfield MO. 65801
Make Checks Payable to: Cabool Community Center YMCA Project Fund